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Resilience PLR Articles Archive Value Pack

Ready to Brand, Monetize, & Publish

Resilience PLR Articles & Printables Archive Value Pack. Marketing Mockup Image

Please Note: This Resilience PLR Articles & Printables Archive Value Pack includes articles that were originally released as part of our Newsletter Club membership on our sister site, PublishforProsperity. Please check your records before purchasing. 

The 17-page Set of Canva Printables is new and exclusive to this package. 

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 Limited Time: Just $37 - $8.95! 
Or Keep Reading for More Info...

Save Tons of Time and Money with This Ready-to-Publish Personal Development Content

Stop staring at a blank screen and stressing about what to write about. Just download this brandable Resilience themed content package and help your audience make progress on their personal development journey.

This HUGE collection of 65 archive Resilience PLR articles comes with full private label rights, so you can edit them as much as you like and publish them on your website, social media platforms, in your newsletters, and much more... 

Here's a Look at Everything Included in This Resilience PLR Articles & Printables Archive Value Pack...

65 Archive Resilience PLR Articles: 

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17-Page Canva Printables Templates 

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Tips to Use Your New 17-Page Canva Template Set...

Resilience PLR Articles & Printables Canva Templates marketing composite image

Rebrand and customize this fully editable set of Canva templates to create quick and easy lead magnets and other content upgrades based on these articles. You can use your new designs to grow your email list, add to your membership, offer as bonuses for your own or affiliate products, and more. 

Here's a breakdown of the different layouts included in this set:

  • 9 Worksheet Layouts 
  • 1 Tip Sheet
  • 2 Checklists
  • 1 Questionnaire
  • 2 Article Upgrade Layouts (2 Pages Each)

Mix & Match the various worksheet layouts to create even more unique multi-page designs. Combine even more together to create a full workbook or multi-page resources for your customers. 

Please Note: The Canva Access Links PDF (shown above) and the actual Canva templates themselves are for your personal use only. You may not sell, share, give away, or otherwise distribute these items with anyone else.

However, you are free to give away, sell, or otherwise share the new items you create with them, such as customized worksheets, checklists, tip sheets, etc... 

Now Let's Talk About Bonuses...

Bonus #1: 5 Multi-Page Worksheets (41 Pages Total)

  • 20 Ways to Build Resilience - (5 pages/205 words/.docx)
  • How to Deal with Difficult Emotions (9 pages/444 words/.docx)
  • Positive Coping Skills (5 pages/483 words/.docx)
  • Reflecting on Difficult Situations (3 pages/115 words/.docx)
  • Preparing for Hard Times (19 pages/1113 words/.docx) - covers Job Loss, Long-Term Illness, and Weather Emergencies

Here's a Look at One Example:

Resilience PLR Bonus Worksheet Sample Marketing Image

Preparing for Hard Times 19-Page Worksheet

Bonus #2: 7 Additional Bonus Articles:

  • 6 Tips to Trust Yourself More (2 pages/475 words /.docx)
  • Cultivating Postive Thoughts for a Happier Life (2 pages/647 words/.docx)
  • Embracing Imperfection for Growth (2 pages/524 words/.docx)
  • 5 Steps to Develop Personal Develoment Plan (2 pages/524 words/.docx)
  • Discover & Maximize Your Strengths (2 pages/496 words/.docx)
  • Using Critical Thinking to Make Decisions (2 pages/478 words/.docx)
  • Why Personal Development Matters (2 pages/417 words/.docx)

We’ve Done All The Hard Work… 
Now It's Your Turn to Run with It

Your time is the most precious resource you have. Think about how long it would take you to come up with 65 unique content ideas like we've gathered in this Resilience PLR Articles & Printables Archive Value Pack on your own. 

Even with Ai, you'd still spend a good chunk of your valuable time coming up with and polishing that many ideas into finished, ready-to-publish content for your blog, newsletter, or wherever else you publish content. 

What else could you do with all that time to better serve your audience and grow your business?

Fortunately, we've made is super easy for you to just download this human-created content and put it to work! Plus, we've also included an exclusive 17-page set of easy-to-edit Canva printables templates that you can edit to match your brand. Before you know it, you'll be creating super easy, one-of-a-kind lead magnets to grow your list. 

Clearly, it would take lots of time and/or money to put all this together on your own or hire someone to do it for you… but now you don’t have to...

We’ve done ALL the work for you and all you need to is publish the content and get it out there.

Grab this Resilience PLR Articles & Printables Archive Value Pack now for less than $9 and save at least 70 hours of your valuable time and plenty of money, to provide your readers with the high-quality information they’re looking for.

Get Your Copy Now!

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 Limited Time: Just $37 - $8.95!  

Please Note: This Resilience PLR Articles & Printables Archive Value Pack includes articles that were originally released as part of our Newsletter Club membership (on PublishforProsperity). Please check your records before purchasing. 

The 17-page Set of Canva Printables is new and exclusive to this package.